Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Day one - the start of our adventure.

Very early wake up call, what a drag! Very disturbing nights sleep also, i hate that feeling where you know you have to be up at like 6am and you keep waking up and counting down the hours. It's officially an awful feeling. No breakfast - no time, sob. Got a cab to St. Pancras, arriving at around 7.30am. Just enough time to grab Marie Clare and some trashy weekly mags. Extortionate prices btw. Hitting a little drama along the way, we headed to the eurostar and took the long walk to our carriage. Boy did i hate my case by this point.

The eurostar was quite the treat, other than having no croissants left only half an hour into the journey (not impressed.) I imagine it was much more comfortable than the sorry coach the others had to take. Poor girls, i wish i had to the patience/non-mental illness to have braved the coach but that is just not how i roll.

Once off the eurostar, it took us a ridiculous amount of time to find our hotel, we walked around in endless circles in the slightly questionable neighbourhood that we were staying in. Finally we found the hotel and were, erm, i wouldn't say pleasently surprised by the size of our room haha. But i actually thought it was fine and hadn't really expected anything amazing. The place was clean and that was all that mattered to me!

We pretty much dumped our stuff and headed back out. There was a slightly awkward incedent in the hotel restaurant but let's not discuss that. First we went to a vintage market which was amazing! There were like a million shops and stalls with jewellery, furniture, keys? Just loads of random stuff but it was so good.

Bastille was our next destination. There were loads of cute boutiques and restaurants. Not sure our choice of restaurant was too clever but nevermind. It was nice to just roam around Paris and get a feel for the area. So cold though! Definately learnt to put more layers on for the rest of the week which wasn't a problem for me as i consider myself abit of a layer queen.

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